رئيس مجلس الأدارة  د . ياسر عمارة


Name:  Yasser Ahmed Mostafa Emara

Nationality       :         Egyptian

E-mail :   yasser@eagleadvisors.info


* Bachelor of Commerce, major in Accounting Cairo University-in Egypt, Year 1988 – grade (good).

* MBA certificate from The Arab Academy for Banking & Financial Sciences, Which is Member of Association of Arab Universities & Member of International Association of Universities,  Year 2006 –grade (excellent), duly verified by the Supreme Council Of Universities (S.C.U.)  In Cairo.

DBA certificate from Cairo University-in Egypt .


* Managing Director of Eagle advisors for consultancy Securities FROM 2009 up till now.

Company profile on web: www.eagleadvisors.info

-Independent financial adviser registration number Authority in 1742

-Financial records of the Egyptian Stock Exchange

We can help the clients to execute the

Merger and acquisition deals efficiently and successfully.

We work closely with our clients through the phases of planning, execution and deals as follows :

Provide valuation by independent experts & advisors. .

  • Advise on the optimum timing of merger or acquisition.
  • Provide solutions for managerial, human resources, and financial restructure.
  • Advise on the accounting recommendations for Merger or acquisition, according to the Egyptian Accounting Standards.
  • Provide the required legal and tax consultations For mergers.
  • Prepare future plans to develop the merged company

To maximize its profits and owner’s equity.

We carry out pre-acquisition due diligence review upon the request of our clients covering Review all Aspects of the business covering the following:

Financial aspects.

  • Marketing. .
  • Human resources.
  • Legal aspects

*Managing Director of mashreq holding co. from 2008 till 2009

1-ensure that the system is being will applied

2-develop the business

3-achieve the targets I has

4-lead and manage the team

5-send reports to the owners

6-take decisions in the daily issues will face

*misr Iran development bank. cairo from: 1992 TILL 2008

*assistant manager – securities activities &general LEDGERS ACC.

  • The preparation of  various reports about all the activities                                                               related to the securities department
  • Executing primary &secondary market operations in addition to their corresponding settlement transaction.
  • subscription in MUTUAL FUNDS ,T.BILLS and T. BONDS
  • Collection of dividends and bonds shares on behalf of clients.
  • Trial balance & financial position reviewer.
  • General Ledger daily verification
  • Monthly reconciliation & checking the overdraft interest statement.
  • The preparation of the financial statement on quarterly basis.
  • The preparation of various reports about all the activities related to the time deposits, customer’s & other banking accounts , collections, currency positions and reviewing credit ceilings that granted to new facilities.
  • P&L analysis preparing s ratios and monitoring the significant events.
  • The incapacitation of the financial documents to ensure their authenticity.
  • The preparation of branch’s budget.
  • Comparing actual performance via the target.
  • Preparing & maintaining the relevant reports to the Central Bank of Egypt.
  • Assisting internal & external auditors



  • DBA certificate from Cairo University-in Egypt
  • MBA certificate from The Arab Academy for Banking & Financial
  • certified for clearing bank &settlements from MCSD
  • certified for settlements of same day trading from MCSD
  • certified book keepers &clearing from MCSD
  • certified portfolios management from BANKING INSTITUTE

Summary of Relevant Working EXPERIENCE:

* Lecturer in the In House training program in Securities, Portfolio Management & Stock markets, as well as in Accounting.

*Attending of numerous seminars and courses in Accounting, Marketing, Securities & portfolio management. Money &capital markets.

* Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

Manages and maintains relationships with current or potential investors in an organization’s stock. Maintains communication between the company and investors, handles questions and inquiries, plans annual shareholders’ meeting, and prepares materials. Support CEO/CFO and Senior Management in role as company spokesperson. Oversee corporate investor events including annual shareholders meeting and investor conference. Provide ongoing peer/competitive analysis and competitive intelligence to management. Interface with corporate counsel on securities regulations and corporate governance issues.

Languages (Arabic, Englishand French):

1- Arabic (Mother Tongue) : read / write / talk

2- English: very good: read / write / talk

3- French: fair: read / — / talk

Other Relevant & Supporting INFORMATION:

  • Skilled in treating data and using computer Excel, Word & Internet.

High ability to learn and study

[:ar]السيرة الذاتية

الاسم  / د . ياسر احمد مصطفى احمد عمارة

الجنسية / مصرى

الشهادات العلمية:

  • حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة –جامعة القاهرة عام 1988 بتقدير عام جيد .
  • حاصل على ماجستير الإدارة المالية عام 2006 من الاكاديمية العربية للعلوم المالية و المصرفية بتقدير عام امتياز و المعتمد من المجلس الاعلى
  •   (DBA) الدكتوراه المهنية من جامعة القاهرة .

الشهادات المهنية و التراخيص:

1- شهادة ترخيص العمل بنظام امناء الحفظ المركزى من شركة مصر للمقاصة عام 1999.

2- شهادة ترخيص العمل بنظام بنك المقاصة و التسويات من شركة مصر للمقاصة. عام 2006.

3- شهادة مزاولة مهنة البيع و الشراء في ذات الجلسة بالبورصة عام 2005.

الخبرات السابقة في العمل:

1- من عام 1992 حتى عام 2008

مديرمساعد ببنك مصر ايران للتنمية

وفقا للتدرج الاتى في المهام الوظيفية التالية:

  • من 1992 إلى 1994 مسؤل خدمة العملاء والحسابات الجارية بفرع الجيزة.
  • من عام 1995الى 2008 العمل بقطاع سوق المال و التسويق المصرفى مع بداية عمليات الخصخصة وطرح حصص المال العام للاكتتاب العام في شركات قطاع الاعمال العام مرورا بعمليات تقييم الشركات المطروحة للاكتتاب وفقا لاحدث الطرق المالية و العلمية مثل :

– تقييم شركات قطاع الاسمنت( السويس للاسمنت و العامرية للاسمنت و حلوان للاسمنت)والقطاعات الخدمية و المالية .

– 1999ساهم فى تاسيس إدارة امناء الحفظ بترخيص من شركة مصر للمقاصة.

-2005المسؤل عن  تاسيس  بنك المقاصة و التسويات.

-2006 اسس إدارة الحسابات العامة بالفروع بعد اقرار نظام اللا مركزية للحسابات.

2- من عام 2008 حتى ابريل 2009

المدير التنفيذى لشركة مشرق كابيتال

وعضو مجلس الإدارة.

3- من عام 2009 حتى الان

رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة ايجل للاستشارات المالية عن الاوراق المالية و العضو المنتدب .
